Team Dream Chubby Bobcat Top Cap
The Bobcat (lynx rufus) is one of North America’s most enchanting native critters. These stealthy felines are adaptable to many environments: they’ve been known to make their homes in deserts, swamps, forests, and even in suburban areas, and often split their time between multiple dens.
Team Dream channeled the magic of the lynx rufus into these top caps each with it's own special Magical Properties.
- Gold = brings good fortune!
- Pewter = charisma and social charm!
- Brown = for happiness and good times!
- Pink = love and friendship!
- Purple = joy and enthusiasm for life!
- Kelly Green= for manifesting those DOLLA$
- Red = vitality, confidence, and power!
- Light Blue= for blocking out the haters!
- Lime Green = for creative inspiration and mental expansion!
- Blue = gluten free, prevents tummy irritation!
- Black = power and strength!
Please note powers are purely speculative. Statement has not been evaluated by any official entity anywhere, ever, and is based largely in bobcat lore.
Photo Credit: Team Dream